Friday, January 27, 2006
Monday, January 23, 2006
Duncan - Motor Extraordinaire
Sentosa - 22 Jan 2006

Ooohhh, what a hot day! Time to join my mates at Sentosa for a swim!
Today i get to bring my new boat. It's gorgeous and blue, very suitable for a male, hunky dog like me!

It was a great day!!!
Luv, Duncan
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Nose Mask 101
written by sirium
Hamster was all excited about the off-road adventure but as Peace still had immaculate paint on her, Hamster decided to make a nose mask for Peace since there was none currently available on the mkt.Being the avid DIY fan and a master seamstress, Hamster now gives you "Making a Car Nose Mask 101".

It all begins with bubble-wrap and a large piece of durable cloth.

The wrapping of the sarong around Peace.

Cut the middle portion of the cloth to reveal the licence plate (thus making it somewhat road legal) and the radiator (good idea if you want to prevent your car from over-heating).

Now to tidy the loose-ends.......

Ta-dah!!! All done!!!
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Ravers TM Trip
Today Peace went off-road!
Unfortunately there is no active Grand Vitara Group in Singapore, but we managed to beg the Rav4 Expedition Club to allow us to join them!

Shirz with Peace
Meeting Time: 1400hrs
Venue: Changi Village
As it has been pouring for the last 2 days, we were not sure if the weather would hold to allow us to enjoy our trip. However, at abt 3plus, the organisers decided, what the hell...lets get on with it!
Terrain-wise, it's relatively flat ground, but the fun bit is becos it has been raining, it was VERY muddy!!! Black cars became gold, silver cars became gold, white cars looked washed out!
To start the trip on a good note and give ourselves good luck for the trip, Winston decided to do a happy dance:

See? He can't stop! AND he was trying to influence someone else! -

Then the fun started....
we were dying to drive into the next pothole:

my turn, my turn!!
then we got stuck:

and we got stuck again:

and again:

Our hero, Daniel68 came to our rescue every time!!! Thank god for 4X4!!

we decided to drive around to find more places to get stuck in, but as it was too late, we decided to head out...only to find the gate locked!!!
sigh... as we had nothing to do, we decided to change kermit's tires, which suddenly decided to fart big time..

then we spotted small foot! Endau Rompin has big foot, TM has small foot!
think it actually belongs to simon

It was a great day! Hope the club allows us to join them again!!
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Duncan & Baby At Work
It's a Dog's Life, some say...
These dogs have it good...
R&R on Sunday, swimming at Sentosa on Monday(see , chill at home on Tuesday... Wednesday came and they had to go to work with me and see what they do whole day???

When confronted, they act innocent...

Thursday, August 11, 2005
Little Gal & Big Cars Part 2
SG EVO Club Track Day - 29th July
woo hoo last few weeks, we have been seeing some action in KL!!
Let's backtrack a bit to SG EVO Club's last track day in Sepang.
We followed the husbands & their mistresses up to Sepang in the wee hours of the morning. In a convoy of about 18 evos to 1 wrx, we reached sepang safely and without fines.
It was a pretty safe trip, with only a few cars deciding to take a swim in the gravel. No real harm done, just superficial damage.
We ended the day with drag racing and Jenny & myself entertained the Manly audience...Jenny won...I had trouble even shifting to 3rd gear!!

Jenny & her toy (courtesy of Crufty)
Me & my toy (courtesy of Daft Bitch)

Club Mascots.... (courtesy of Crufty)

The MEN (courtesy of Crufty)

The Clan (courtesy of Crufty)
Little Gal & Big Cars
I love cars!
I recently went on a little road trip all by myself...

As my trusty 121, Twink, will be going up to the great car garage in the sky next June, so i thought, i will just have some alone time with her.

We decided to head up to KL and join my adventure travel operator there for a jungle adventure....
Geez...Twink is not meant to move beyond 90kmh long distance! Was trying so hard to stay awake and not have her overheat!!
Halfway through, Twink lost one of her eyelashes!! And it was pouring!!! Was trying so hard to see in the heavy rain amidst fears that the wiper would break off and hit a motorcyclist!!
3 and a half hours later, we finally reached KL city. Handed Twink over to hotel valet for the day....
Early next day, we drove to CJ's (my travel operator) place where Twink was left behind as I took 1 of the 4WDs out into Lata Kijang Jungle. Was kinda worried that Twink would be left without a kidney(aka, stereo system) when i return! But, ah well, lets just go into the jungle for some fun!
I toppled over a 4WD during the obstacle course. THANK GOODNESS THE WINDOW WAS UP!!!

We had a ATV race. Haha it was great having wind and mud in your face at the same time!

We also went kayaking...some people have natural balance...I don't...
We did abseiling, river canyon walk, flying fox....woooo!! so much fun!
And to top it all, we had 5STAR, yes, 5STAR meals IN the jungle!
We had a chance to get the know the natives better, the Orang Aslis. They performed a 'Sewang' for us and made us a bamboo rice meal... These people are like superhumans! They can touch the extremely hot log with their BARE hands!! We couldn't even do so with 3 pairs of gloves and a pair of tongs!

We ended the trip with a chill out session at Lata Kijang Waterfall, a fantastic 350ft high waterfall.... such beauty!

Came back to find Twink still intact and well-rested!! Took a nice easy drive back to Singapore with wonderful memories!